Refined By Fire: A Story of Promises, Poems and Praise.

My New BookÖ


Have you ever wondered, "Why do these things only happen to me?"

Well, to be honest, I certainly have. Misfortune happens to all of us. But, sometimes we are so good at hiding the truth from others, in an effort to look good, that we fail to share with others our troubles and seek solutions. This is often a result of pride, and is likely the easiest sin to commit. Others of us will "freak-out" as badly as the next guy. This poor self-control may cause others look at us, as Christians, and conclude that we are no stronger than they - that they are not missing out on anything.

Then, there are those who, by virtue of the Holy Spirit, are able to withstand the pressures of today's society without missing a step. Our witness in Christ is so much stronger when people can see how we stand in our faith, through the good and the bad. This ability impresses the people they meet. People ask, "How do I get some of that?"

Believe it or not, even those people who impress you the most have hard times and weakness, moments of falling apart or falling away from God, and only by His grace and power are they able to overcome and be victorious.

I write this book as an inspiration to all of you who would like to grow in the Holy Spirit and strengthen your witness. It's for all of you who, like me, have lived much of your lives on your own strength and merits, and have never learned how to turn it all over to the Lord. It's for all of you who have been unable to discern just where you stand in the will of God, and correct it. It's for those who, in times of trouble and need, find it difficult to find God for comfort. It's for all of you who think that the grass is always greener on the other side. True happiness is never found on the other side. It's found from standing beside the Lord, or carried in his arms, in our daily walk, wherever that may be.

Your friend in Christ,

Larry S. Ganz, M.D.


Chapter One | Chapter Two | Resurrection Poem | Contact Me | My Other Web Site